Thursday, July 27, 2006

What the date today?

Today names Lotus day when a kind girl from TaDRI members brought to me very nice flowers. You can see how the flowers made our room to be cooler. However we need to have the cool brains or intellects on our way of thinking and doing beside the warmer hearts existed.

As Pope saying yesterday that TaDRIG is very busy this week, I also have many works to do, especially in rewriting a report related to Street Working Children Project. Lotus flowers have been leading my thinking to SW children situation, that can say the Lotus flowers is very similar with SW children charecteristics. Socially, they are very cool in their own way of money earning, community relations and other works. However as the Lotus flowers, they showed the world of honors, wills and beautiful minds even they have to face with dificulties and challeges everyday.

We are lucky when we come from the stable and happy families. Please do not forget it and please do not forget who are living around us to creat our lifes and society. We should learn how to exist without meaningless, TaDRI !


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