Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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Monday, July 31, 2006

can u do anything simple?

A busy week are coming with all of us.
As you see, there are many other people also in busy. They are just busy in thought about how to got a happy life, a secure life and a full of smile life. It maybe simple, or not? It will be depended on your view.
Let's go and do. Not only thought and talk, right?
We will have happiness in sharing of our life.
Good luck, and successfulness,

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Who like poetry ?

The World Is a Beautiful Place

by Lawrence Ferlinghetti

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don't mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don't sing
all the time

The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind some people dying
all the time
or maybe only starving
some of the time
which isn't half bad
if it isn't you

Oh the world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't much mind
a few dead minds
in the higher places
or a bomb or two
now and then
in your upturned faces
or such other improprieties
as our Name Brand society
is prey to
with its men of distinction
and its men of extinction
and its priests
and other patrolmen

and its various segregations
and congressional investigations
and other constipations
that our fool flesh
is heir to

Yes the world is the best place of all
for a lot of such things as
making the fun scene
and making the love scene
and making the sad scene
and singing low songs
and having inspirations and walking around
looking at everything
and smelling flowers
and goosing statues
and even thinking
and kissing people and
making babies
and wearing pants and waving hats and
and going swimming in rivers
on picnics
in the middle of the summer
and just generally
'living it up'
but then right in the middle of it
comes the smiling


What the date today?

Today names Lotus day when a kind girl from TaDRI members brought to me very nice flowers. You can see how the flowers made our room to be cooler. However we need to have the cool brains or intellects on our way of thinking and doing beside the warmer hearts existed.

As Pope saying yesterday that TaDRIG is very busy this week, I also have many works to do, especially in rewriting a report related to Street Working Children Project. Lotus flowers have been leading my thinking to SW children situation, that can say the Lotus flowers is very similar with SW children charecteristics. Socially, they are very cool in their own way of money earning, community relations and other works. However as the Lotus flowers, they showed the world of honors, wills and beautiful minds even they have to face with dificulties and challeges everyday.

We are lucky when we come from the stable and happy families. Please do not forget it and please do not forget who are living around us to creat our lifes and society. We should learn how to exist without meaningless, TaDRI !


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fly with our wings !

We are flying to cross the oceans with the strong wills and the beautiful dreams.
Please put our hope upper than the wings
and lead our brain thinking of the long way we have to passed it.
I believe in you, TaDRI
Because we are a strong community that always making solidarity and shares.
Good moring, TaDRI
with a beautiful sunny day come inside our heart

We should remember today and many other days in the future
whenever we know how to overcome all of challenges by ourself...

Pacific. O

believe is strength, too

Morning TaDRIG,
It’s a long time I don’t post up on our blog. From bottom of my heart, I am sorry all TaDRIG for my slothfulness. Thanks so much our Mods, who contribute a great of brainpower and sentiment, and time despite many works on their mind, for our our solidarity and our development.
As you see, I’ve been in ChiangMai for one week, and I have had many opportunities to gain my knowledge about our Mekong region, about the difficulties activists face. Especially, the most important I got is the essentiality from having a thorough grasp of law in all of our activities. Why I say that? Firstly, I have a session about international environmental law. As you know, I’ve never seen carefully any code before, then I feel very ashamed of lack of lawful cognition about my own country. It’s the time I can not stand with my real stuff. And, the most important in my thought is the neccessary of strong lawful tools for us, activists and boffins. Everyone among us have had some experience more or less how difficult to propose, implement a development project, and then specially in practical process on communities’ benefit. It will be more and more difficult when your work is concerning in human right, earthright such as gender equality, the right to water, the right to life that related to companies’profit, strategy and something like that...
So, today I hope we will have a little time everyday to get more weight for our voice put in a strong law. You will be unable to have a strong law if you don’t believe in it.
Good work and keep health,

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Goodnight and morning in one

Message posted in July 15th, 2006
Thanks so much Mr HVL for your comment. I will make more efforts, and will be fatter. But Mr Tuan and Mr Hieu also have to do with me, don't they? And all of you should keep your health.Personally, I think that when Tadri is made individual card, U must remember put this page on, and maybe have a small image if possible.Last, now I am having some feeling about the way an NGO member working when participated this course. First it is the independence and active in working and thought as well. I hope it will become a valueable experience not only for me, but for sharing with all of tadrig.Thanks for your attention!See you soon,
TaLong Is One

Looking forward

Message posted in July, 15th , 2006

The sea is behind you.
What is in front of you?
Can you share with us what you see?
You have been working so hard that you need to relax.
Thank to you, my brother,
I have more experiences in working and living.
Wish u all the best and many achievements this year.
Ki Ku

Good morning everyone!

I agree with Mr Long. We should have and use our uniform in the meetings, the workshops and another important event. If we have TaDRI's uniform, we r more and more polite and professional. Do U think so?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

new news

i feel very happy today when having many good news from TaDRIG, and also have a presentation about my hometown-Hanoi and Vietnam. After introducing by oneself, my class has time to watch a DVD about energy war in the boder of Burma and Thailand, that has the paticipation of Mr.Linh's Burma man friend. It's very horrible, unbelieved front of an internal war. All are moved. And then we have some relax by going to Doi Sothep, a famous temple in ChiangMai, the spitual of this city. Under picture is some member from my class. well, I think it's amazing time today. now, I have an ideal in need sharing with you. I think that TaDRI should have an uniform, and maybe add a symbol medal for all member, but not in daily use, only use whenever our org has official job, like meeting, having apointment, and other special time. It will make TaDRIG have a respect view from others, and show our spirit, right?
Good morning everyone,
TaLong is one

Friday, July 14, 2006


Hello everyone !
This is not TaDRI work, but is true life.
I would like to share to TaDRI friends my daughter poem.
Hope everyone is happy and healthy !
Here is she wrote :


Wonderful time whenever I fly
I can see a big sky
Love is existed all around
Can you see the wind is smilling with flowers
How many blue and white clouds passed to my spirit?
I understand how is free...

Mumy and Dady,
Where are you now?
How do you understand me?
Life is interesting with my feelings
Mumy and dady,
How do you feel free
I hope you are free
I hope you have a chance to fly with me
In the world of love
In this wonderful moment

I will give you a chance
I will give you my all spirit
I will give you the world of love
I will give you the windy and candy flowers
Close your eyes,
And open your mind
Thinking and feeling,
Singing and flying
You will see a wonderful time !
July, 14, 2006